Home > Consulting > Case Study > Chinese Nickel Pig Iron Study
Chinese Nickel Pig Iron Study


To have a deep understanding of Chinese nickel pig iron market

Capacity, costs and growth potential of RKEF, EAF and BF production technologies

Quality, origin, pricing and contract terms of Nickel ore feed

Evolution of Nickel upstream value chain

Market potential for NPI




Categorized by technology type

In-depth Interview

Sample Size

80 NPI plants

Project Time

9 weeks



Summary of China Nickel Pig Iron Study (PPT)

Spreadsheet of China NPI Supply & Cost Database (EXCEL)

Spreadsheet of China NPI Processing Expansion/Closures (EXCEL)



Deep understanding of NPI cost

China NPI capacity and outlook

China NPI output and outlook

China NPI competitiveness comparison

China NPI VIU in downstream