Compliance Policies and Procedures
SMM business is founded on its reputation for independence, accuracy, impartiality and objectivity. Our customers rely on SMM for accurate information. Customers must feel confident that information relayed by SMM, whether verbally, in print, on screen or in data form, has not been influenced by any commercial, personal or other interests. SMM has a suite of policies in place to ensure our business is compliant with the high standards our customers expect.
The international reputation of SMM has been established through dedication to getting the facts right and bringing transparency to opaque markets. We know this means employees of SMM, especially those concerned with information-gathering, content creation and publication must not engage in any activities that might damage SMM reputation for independence.
SMM compliance programme covers its entire business and includes policies, processes, standards, checks, checklists, record keeping and training.
SMM has a suite of general policies in place to ensure our business is compliant with the high standards our customers expect.